The Early History of the TBI Survivor Advocacy Movement


The common thread that brings all of these people together is this. Each one sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Each one in some way went to work on behalf of the brain injury community. Each one operated independently of any additional business interest. Each one had something very valuable to say about our community. Each one developed, shall we say, a following, in his or her group, social community, organization, blog, book or web site early on. Each one accomplished some kind of "first" for our survivor community. Each one was a trail blazer. We want to honor these people by mentioning them here, and if we have found a current link to something the honoree or honorees are still doing, we have placed it here.

These leaders with traumatic brain injuries show that many survivors can work independently and selflessly for the greater good of our brain injury survivor brain injury community. Many have worked with little fanfare and little acknowledgment of their work. We wish to extend our thanks to these trail blazers. We hope they are pleased to be listed in this honor roll of contributors.


And this is a word to those we mention here; we know many of you have never been lauded, and your contributions to our community have not been acknowledged. So, we hope that it is acceptable to you that we mention you here in this historical narrative. (If there is anything inaccurate about the timeline, such as the time frame in which these very worthy activities commenced, please drop us a line to correct us. Please write to tbi_survivor [at] (Please replace the [at] with @. This email was spelled out in this way to thwart spammers. Thank you.)


Note: We will add to this list when additional contributors are brought to our attention. Potential additions to this particular honor roll must meet and document the criteria delineated in paragraph one above. Please write to tbi_survivor (at) prodigy dot net with your suggestions.


Please visit the TBI Survivors Honor Roll. There was never a group of people more deserving of recognition, acknowledgement and praise.