Forms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


TBI is a form of Acquired Brain Injury. Sometimes people are confused as to whether or not they have had a traumatic brain injury (or some other kind). Here are some diagnosis’s we tbi survivors received having to do with our traumatic brain injuries.  There are many more technical terms, but for any medical terms or diagnosis, and further clarification, we would like you to please visit a medical web site, and even better check with a neurologist or other medical specialist.

Abusive Head Trauma.

Blunt Force Trauma to Brain.

Brain Injury (from Trauma).

Brain Stem Injury (from Trauma).

Catastrophic Brain Injury (from Trauma).

Closed Head Injury.



Coup-Contre Coup Injury.

Craniocerebral Trauma.

Diffuse Brain Injury from traumatic event.

Frontal Lobe Injury (from Trauma)..

Head Injury (from Trauma).

Head Trauma.

Head Wound.

Locked In Syndrome.

Mild Concussion.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI).

Minor Concussion.

Occipital Lobe Injury (from Trauma).

Open Head Injury.

Parietal Lobe Injury (from Trauma).

Penetrating Head Wound.

Persistent Post Concussion Syndrome.

Persistent Unaware State (from Trauma).

Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS).

P.V.S. (Akin to Persistent Unaware State) (from Trauma).

Second Impact Syndrome (SIS).

Severe Concussion.

Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Skull Fracture.

Temporal Lobe Injury (from Trauma).

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Traumatic Head Injury.

V.S. (Akin to Unaware State.) (from Trauma).


Here is a term we tbi survivors would like medical people to add to the above list: Post Traumatic Brain Injury Syndrome, or PTBIS. But, that would be up to them, a lot of them working together.

There is nothing like getting an expert medical opinion. Check with your medical doctor or other medical specialist for more information, medical assessment and treatment, and referrals to medical specialists. Neurologists and neurosurgeons are medical (physician) brain specialists.